Dear Experts,

I have a Gyration wireless gyroscopic mouse and keyboard, which use a USB-connected receiver. Does anyone else have experience with this device? I can recommend it for giving software demos on a projector. Most functions work well.

The mouse has the usual buttons plus three extra ones which generate keyboard function key events, rather than mouse button presses. Sometimes, when I press one of these extra buttons I get the 'press' event but not a 'release' event; I then get lots of 'repeat' events.

Before I go on I should say that this is not with the latest kernel; this is 2.6.19. Feel free to flame me for not trying on a new one :-) I have had a quick search through the kernel changelog and can't see anything that's immediately relevant.

The symptom is that if I repeatedly click one of these extra buttons and "od -x /dev/input/event<n>" I see normal 1/0/1/0 press and release events, but after a while (order of 30 clicks perhaps) I see 1/2/2/2/2/2/ (press followed by repeats), and no release.

When I next press the button, I don't get the press event, but I do get the release event, at which point everything seems to be back to normal.

[Aside: I decided to try to turn off auto-repeat for these events, mainly to make the debug dumps less cluttered but also in case the problem was caused by a bug in the auto-repeat code. Google quickly told me that I needed to use ioctl(EVIOCSREP) but I didn't find a command-line program to do this for a specific /dev/input/event<n> file - have I missed something? So I wrote one, which is here: - maybe it will be useful to someone. I presume that I'm supposed to pass 0,0 as the parameters to disable auto-repeat, yes? Anyway, it didn't solve the problem; I still see a press event and no corresponding release event.]

I have attempted to reconcile the data from /dev/input/event with usbmon traces, without much luck, i.e. I can't determine yet whether there is a release event in the USB data. Does anyone know how the timestamps in usbmon and in /dev/input/event are related? They are both microseconds, but must be based differently I think. I need to work out how to get the actual data in the usbmon output rather than just "<"; I think this might be a kernel version thing.

My feeling is that this could easily be a bug in the microcontroller inside the the mouse or the receiver. I doubt that they have engineered the whole thing from scratch, so maybe this is a known quirk that other products share?

So, does anyone have any experience with this hardware, or suggestions for further debugging or work-arounds?

Many thanks for your attention.



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