> KDB is putrid.  Can it debug double faults?  NO.  Can it debug complex
> register and numeric evaluation statements like IF ((EAX == 1) &&
> [ESP-4] == 0x3000)?  NO.  Can it debug nested task gate exceptions? 
> NO.  Can it debug SMP locks races?  NO.  Can it debug priority inversion
> problems in sleep locks?  NO.
> Can the Kernel debugger in NetWare?  YES.  Can the Kernel Debugger in
> NT?  YES.  

Remote gdb on Linux - yes and I can do my debugging source level. Unfortunately
Linus seems to have a one man campaign against putting sensible debugging into
his kernel.

The tools exist and they should be in the x86 tree as well as sparc etc where
with other maintainers it is present

gdb>b netif_rx


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