The following change to the apm_get_power_status function makes my Sony
Vaio SR7K report sane battery life expectations. From surfing the web, I
believe this problem happens on other recent Sony laptops (outside of the
SR series). I'm thinking about making this fix run-time selectable via a
sysctl so that is can be pre-compiled-kernel friendly... Comments?

--- linux-old/arch/i386/kernel/apm.c    Mon Sep  4 12:19:33 2000
+++ linux/arch/i386/kernel/apm.c        Mon Sep  4 12:22:42 2000
@@ -673,7 +673,13 @@
                return (eax >> 8) & 0xff;
        *status = ebx;
        *bat = ecx;
        *life = edx;
+       *life = (edx >> 8) | 0x8000;
+       if (edx & 1)
+               *life += 0xff;
        return APM_SUCCESS;


Dave Zarzycki KF6ZSS

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