Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:

> (c) With separate source and build trees, which I've implemented,
>     it becomes a lot more feaasible to manage kernel builds for
>     multiple platforms.

Is this released? I build most of my kernels for both x86 and PowerPC,
plus I build several configurations for diskless clients from the same
source tree. 

> Linus writes ...
> > Hey, maybe you have a few 18GB disks lying around, but none of the
> > machines I use every day could afford to have another 5-6 cross-
> > compilation environments lying around. It's just not practical.

About 30MB for a cross-compilation environment capable of building
kernels. Then add whatever libraries you need if you want to build
userspace, and another 5 or so MB for C++. It's less than a built kernel

- Adrian Cox, AG Electronics
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