We had some problems booting 2.4.0-test7, and discovered that Linux fell
into a panic while parsing the MP Configuration table. After some debugging,
we found that there are 4 Busses entries:
Bus #0 is PCI
Bus #1 is PCI
Bus #18 is XPRESS
Bus #19 is EISA

Unfortunately, the XPRESS bus parsing calls panic(), since unhandled.
We just commented out the panic and the system went up as in 2.2.14. We
are ready to submit a patch to make our MP-system (NCR S40) boot, but we
do not know exactly what to do with such bus. BTW, do you think that it is
the same bus as the X-Bus which supports RTC, Keyboard, Mouse and BIOS
within a PCI bus ?

Thanks in advance,
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Eric PAIRE
Web  : http://www.ri.silicomp.com/~paire  | Groupe SILICOMP - Research Institute
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | 2, avenue de Vignate
Phone: +33 (0) 476 63 48 71               | F-38610 Gieres
Fax  : +33 (0) 476 51 05 32               | FRANCE

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