Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> > You can say it louder but you can't say it clearer.  I'd love to know that
> > my surname shows up correctly everywhere.  <asbestos> BTW, mutt shows MIME
> > patches in plain text without any problems </>
> That would be the "H=F8jland" in your .sig, right?
> No problem, '=' is a standard character.

Time to upgrade your MUA.  Ragnar's name looks fine to me :-)
Though somehow I don't think Chinese would come out right on my xterm.

> My MUA has been RFC-compliant since before this "MIME" thing existed,
> so I can see the full ASCII character set.

Yeah, and I bet Linux 0.99's TCP was RFC793 compliant too but that
doesn't cut it these days either.

-- Jamie
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