> Dax Kelson wrote:
> > Survey shows 8.3% of websites unreachable from an ECN capable client.
> > Notable unreachable sites:
> >
> > www.amazon.com, www.ibm.com, www.sun.com, www.apple.com,
> I'm running 2.4.0-test8 and I was able to reach all four of the above sites 
> using kppp 2.0pre18. My starter distribution is Linux-Mandrake 7.2 beta 1.

If you really have ECN on, check your ISP...  Some like to "help" you by providing
a mandatory transparent HTTP proxy/cache.  USWest does this for at least some of their
DSL customers.

Thankfully, the *do* put a header in, so you can use "telnet www.amazon.com 80" to
check for it--I don't remember the exact header (they are no longer my ISP :), but
I recall it was fairly obvious.

Anyone else trying to compile statistics on ECN compatability should test out their ISP
for this kind of nastyness.  I know I have run into it a lot, starting right about 
when I
switched ISPs...

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