"Albert D. Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The system call is needed of course, since that lets Linux executables
> (perhaps ones being ported from Win32) use the new features.

It also means that non-i386 and non-wine use these services if they want to.

> You might as well also handle int 0x2e with the same code.

I suppose... provide three modules maybe: (1) the object and handle support
mechanism; (2) the Win32 API (what of it I decide to implement in a kernel
module) and syscall; and (3) the Native API and interrupt.

> See www.sysinternals.com for some native API documentation.
> In addition to the web site, there are articles and a book.

Been there... he says that you can't get all the API documentation.

> The native API is generally better for Linux, because it is smaller
> and less bloated than Win32.


> Putting Win32 in the kernel is almost like putting libc in the kernel. You
> can make exceptions for calls that need the greatest performance and/or
> don't translate well.

Also agreed, particularly when GDI calls are considered. Though this also
applies to the Native API.

David Howells
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