Hello All ,  OK I'm blind & admit it .  date is in the future .
        Doh ! .  Sorry about the noise .  JimL

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
>       Hello All,  The below files were downloaded from ftp.iphase.com 
>       with a time stamp there of ~ 200009142233 .  Except 00README.txt
>       which has a TS of 200009142258 .  After doing a gunzip *.pdf.Z
>       on the flipper* files .
>     4 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users        1540 Mar  2  1910 00README.txt
>  5688 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     5812219 Mar  2  1910 flipper_part3.pdf
>  6552 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     6696394 Mar  2  1910 flipper_part1.pdf
>  5676 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     5798677 Mar  2  1910 flipper_part2.pdf
>       After I noticed this I did ...
> # touch -t 200009142233 flipper*
> # touch -t 200009142258 00README.txt
>       And this is what I got for my efforts .
> # ls -alsgFrt
>  5688 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     5812219 Sep 14  2000 flipper_part3.pdf
>  5676 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     5798677 Sep 14  2000 flipper_part2.pdf
>  6552 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users     6696394 Sep 14  2000 flipper_part1.pdf
>     4 -rw-r--r--   1 jiml     users        1540 Sep 14  2000 00README.txt
>       Anyone have an idea of what the heck I did to my system to cause
>       this kind of silliness ?  Any help appreciated .  Tia,  JimL
>        +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>        | James   W.   Laferriere | System  Techniques | Give me VMS     |
>        | Network        Engineer | 25416      22nd So |  Give me Linux  |
>        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DesMoines WA 98198 |   only  on  AXP |
>        +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>  root@filesrv1:~# touch --version
> touch (GNU fileutils) 4.0
>  root@filesrv1:~# ver_linux
> -- Versions installed: (if some fields are empty or looks
> -- unusual then possibly you have very old versions)
> Slackware-7.0.0
> Linux filesrv1 2.2.17pre16 #1 Fri Aug 11 17:43:53 PDT 2000 i686 unknown
> Kernel modules         2.1.121
> Gnu C                  egcs-2.91.66
> Binutils     
> Make version           3.77
> Linux C Library 6 -    libc-2.1.2
> Dynamic Linker (ld.so) 1.9.9
> Linux C++ Library      Notfound
> Procps                 2.0.2
> Mount                  2.9v
> Net-tools              1.57
> Sh-utils               1.16
> Flex                   2.5.4
> E2fsprogs              1.15
> -
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       | James   W.   Laferriere | System  Techniques | Give me VMS     |
       | Network        Engineer | 25416      22nd So |  Give me Linux  |
       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DesMoines WA 98198 |   only  on  AXP |

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