Larry McVoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 09:55:01PM +0200, Jamie Lokier wrote:
>> > Err, "faster"?  The following is the moral equiv of 4 kernel updates
>> > which had nothing to do using BitKeeper instead of CVS.  The local copy
>> > was in San Francisco and the remote copy is Cort's machine in New Mexico
>> > over a 384Kbits/sec link.  All 4 updates in 5 seconds.  Anyone have a
>> > CVS tree they can try to get comparable numbers?
>> Try:

> Thanks, that was helpful.  Comparison numbers for a null update of the 2.3
> kernel, which means you update and then update again, timing the second update
> to get some idea of the system's best case throughput, are:

>     CVS: 139.5 seconds
>     BK:    1.6 seconds

> The BK tree is the 2.3 kernel tree maintained by FSMlabs.

larry - this one is a bit unfair i think: the tree
runs right now on a 200mhz pentium and is quite a bit worse
connected to you than the bk tree - also it's a "synthetic"
tree which contains for instance 100+ tags in the 2.3
tree which might make it a bit slow too ...

but all that does not mean that bk is bad - haven't had a look at
it so far - i just wanted to say: better avoid such comparisions
- i think the mozilla idea (from some mails later) side by side
will give a much better comparision


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