Since des_ede3(3des) now is added to the international kernel, it will
probably be a good idea to add support for it in losetup, so here is
a patch to the kerneli version of util-linux-2.10m / kerneli

Since this is crypto-related the patch is found at the URL:

DES_EDE3 needs bytes of key data, but ripemd160 used as hash the
passphrase only provides 20 bytes of key data. To get 24 bytes of key
data, the an uppercase 'A' is concatenated with the passphrase, and this
string is hashed to get another 20 bytes of key data. Similar methods is
used in SSL and SSH to get the session keys from the key exchange.

I also changed the code to allow all ciphers to use the same code for 
key generation, but everything is kept compatible.

Gisle Sælensminde ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )   

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. (from RFC 1925)

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