On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 04:10:18PM -0600, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> PCI: Failed to allocate resource 1 for Symbios Logic Inc. (formerly
>        NCR) 53c875
> This is a PCI layout as reported by 'lspci -tv':
> -[00]-+-0d.0-[01]--+-0a.0  Trident Microsystems 4DWave DX
>       |            \-0d.0  Symbios Logic Inc. (formerly NCR) 53c875
> Any ideas what gives here?

The PCI setup widgetry is known to be broken for pci-pci bridges.

I've been intending to rewrite all this, but keep finding something
more interesting to do -- like clean the cat box.  If it makes you
feel any better, I have an AS4100 that can't boot 2.4 at the moment
either for the same reason.

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