On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

>I am with you guys fully now, and the fork in the road has been taken. 
>We are now a Linux and Open Source shop.  I appreciate your kind

I'm glad to hear you're truely commited to Linux now.

>I have created an alternate email account for you and telnet
>login at vger.timpanogas.org.  I can also host any domain name
>you wish to use.  We have four right now.
>You can use any of them, or create one of your own and I'll be happy to
>host it in my DNS zone files.  I will need your IP address range to
>allow you to come through the firewall and manage your own account.  I
>will send you the password via private email.  You are free to use this
>account to avoid the bouncing problems if you wish to.

Ok, thanks.  I'll contact you off-list..

Take care!

      Mike A. Harris  -  Linux advocate  -  Open source advocate
              Computer Consultant - Capslock Consulting
                 Copyright 2000 all rights reserved

[Quote: Linus Torvalds - Aug 27, 2000 - linux-kernel mailing list]
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