On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 05:36:48PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > >But the question was about reading from disk, not about reading
> > >from partition.

> Actually, that's next.  In EFI, all partitions have a starting LBA and
> ending LBA on the disk.  So, it would be easy to have an "odd sized"
> partition.  In my current case, I would care about reading/writing to a FAT
> file system on that partition, or potentially any type file system.  My
> fdisk enhancement will guarantee that only "even sized" partitions are
> created, but if someone else's partitioning program weren't so careful, I'd
> still have to live with the consequences.

I don't think there is any reason for such a restriction.
If you happen to make a partition with an odd number of sectors
and someone creates a filesystem there with 2-sector blocks
then the last sector will not be used by the filesystem.
Nothing wrong there, happens all the time.

> If I know a partition has a FAT file system on it, may I leave the block
> size == hard sector size, and mount it?


(Especially if your hard sector size is 512 bytes.
I have seen people complain about 2048-byte hard sector size handling.)

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