On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Peter Samuelson wrote:

> I guess FS is FS like you said ... OEM is who labels the box on the
> shelf, and I guess MAN is manufacturer.  I would have said "Mfr".

OEM == Dell, Gateway, Compaq, HP, etc ...
MAN == Fugitsu, IBM, Maxtor, Quantum, Seagate, Western Digital, etc ...

> I'm still not clear on the difference between the roles of the OEM and
> the Mfr here -- are they really two different parties that *both* muck
> with the drive firmware to change the visible sector count?  What does
> the OEM do that the Mfr hasn't already done, and why?

As I explained, they need everything to look the same.
The OEM's have customers that get anal, if their IS (info-sys) people get
replacement product (storage in this case) that is not one-one identical
in what the end-user/customer sees.

Sheesh, is everyone here that far in the dark to believe that what you see
is what you get?  The IDENTIFY data is what they want you to see, not what
is really there.

A very long time ago, I made a joke about "EDD's BEER PARTIES".
This was a funny story that was full of series information about what is
going on and what is going to happen.

I guess nobody looked at it seriously, so here it is again.


Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 15:36:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Andre Hedrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Future Linux fun, PARTIES and BEER

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Andries,
> > Do you know about this?
> Yes, I know all about it. I just celebrated my birthday.

You forgot to invite me........ ;-)

> [Have here d1367r1.pdf. In principle this is something
> that does not concern us right now, but it may produce
> a lot of trouble later. Details will depend on the BIOS.]

That is only the "PARTIES", your forgot the "BEER".

"BEER" comes first at the end of disk.  Only after the "BEER" is
located, can one access the "PARTIES".  Since the "PARTIES" first entry
point is after the last sector of "BEER".

Don't forget to drop by EDD's place.

You know, Enhanced Disk Drive Services (EDD) [was EDD 3.0].

We have to look address EDD's requirements to be able to find the location
of "BEER" and handle the future "PARTIES".  Of course, working to support
"EDD"'s "BEER" "PARTIES" in principle should prevent a drive crash........

The documents about which we spoke are at:

        (Boot Engineering Extension Record - BEER)
ftp://fission.dt.wdc.com/x3t13/project/d1386r3.zip (or .pdf)
        (BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Services (EDD) [was EDD 3.0])
ftp://fission.dt.wdc.com/x3t13/project/d1367r1.zip (or .pdf)
        (Protected Area Run Time Interface Extension Services - PARTIES)

The fun you can have with words and phrases........


Well it is here, and we need to think about it now.
I have a T13 Letter Ballot to vote YES/NO and about 2 weeks left to think.

The PARTIES portion of the drive is an OEM option with how the BIOS works.
There are people wanting to fragment it to support multiple PARTIES on the
same drive.  Some of this is for things like "absolute.com" sells for
laptop tracking (of course only stolen ones, |-\ ).  All of this gets set
by the BIOS and you can not do 'jack' to stop it.  Only if you remove the
device and put it on a system that does not invoke this, but then once you
find, delete, re-install, you system will no longer boot/run/work.

Trust that there are ways to walk around the drive to leave not trace or
record, or put records or drive use in non-accessable locations by normal

Until we have drivers that allow us to access the drive out side of any
given FS, we will never be able to see waht is going on.

Now I have going in the cloak-dagger room again and exposed more and given
reasons why.  Thus, the need to do what is being orginally asked is
important for Linux in more ways than normally imagined.


Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy

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