Rik van Riel wrote:

> Schedule() is the last function in the kernel they
> went into before they got scheduled away ;)
> The second last function is the one you're interested
> in ...

Hmm, 'k.

> > PC:  schedule()
> > -1:  down()
> > -2:  down_fail()
> Then I guess something was trying to take the same
> semaphore twice and deadlocked, taking the rest of
> the system with it...

That sounds 'bout right.  Every new process gets stuck at the same
location too.  (reiserfs list) Do you have a comment?

> >      sshd      S 7FFFFFFF     0   247     88   248  (NOTLB)
> >      121
> >         sig: 0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : X
> >      bash      S 00000000     0   248    247   263  (NOTLB)
> >         sig: 0 0000000000000000 0000000000010000 : X
> Sysrq-T is broken on x86 ;((((((((
> (very much to my dismay ... this is one of the best
> debugging helps we have^Whad and I could have used
> it quite well)

Oh that doesn't make me happy.  What's necessary to fix it to get useful


      "There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are
      virtue and talents", Thomas Jefferson [1742-1826], 3rd US President

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