
Sorry if this is an idiotic question, especially if it's one worthy of

I've been trying to set my system up to have multiple linux "test-bed"
setups on one drive - That was done easily, I thought. However, my Caldera
(freebie eDesktop 2.4) distribution won't insmod my driver, saying that a
load of unresolved symbols exist. The strange thing, is that all the
symbols, I thought, are supposed to be in the kernel itself. Symbols like
kmalloc, iounmap, jiffies, printk.......

I've never come across this problem before. I'm pretty sure that my driver
isn't the only thing on my Caldera partition that need these symbols!!!!!

Any lights?

Does the System.map file have any part in the boot (or module-loading)
process? I thought it was just a text file that gets produced when the
kernel is compiled showing humans (or debuggers) where everything is...

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