Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:31:17 -0400 (EDT)
   From: jamal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   My testing with the included scheme (#ifdef RAND_LIE) indicates
   that fairness infact goes up; however, the overall throughput when
   only one interface is utilizing the system goes down under heavy to
   moderate congestion.  I am including it here as a way to highlight
   the problem. I think there could be better ways to do this.  Code
   is included and can be turned on by defining RAND_LIE in dev.c

Why not keep a counter per-device.

This counter is an atomic_t and initially zero.

When a packet is given to netif_rx and becomes part of the backlog
this counter is incremented.

When a packet leaves the backlog, this same counter is decremented.

You can use this counter to approximate queue percentages per-device
and use this to decide who gets the little white lies.

Questions are whether this will be cheaper than calling net_random()
occaisionally and actually more interesting would be a scheme which
did not hurt the single interface case. :-(

David S. Miller
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