My apologies to all on the list and Stephen.

I should have thought before I typed. My concern was that this was a
behavior that I had not previously seen in older 2.4.0pre or 2.2.x

Once again, my apologies,

This one time, at band camp, Stephen Rothwell wrote:

> Hi Geoffrey,
> Geoffrey Gallaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > in 2.4.0-test9, kampd is taking up between 70% and 80% of cpu usage on my
> Good!
> Seriously, the kapmd is doing the job of yje idle loop.  The processor
> is almost always asleep, but the time just gets accounted to kapmd.
> Cheers,
> Stephen

Geoffrey Gallaway || Be wary when walking down the path to madness, all such 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] || paths invariably lead to madness.
D e v o r z h u n ||

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