> Question is, is this still broken on -test9-final or did
> the fix Linus merged earlier today get rid of your problems?

Let me try this and find out...

Hmm. I get an error when trying to run 'make xconfig':

gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/scripts'               
cat header.tk >> ./kconfig.tk                                                   
./tkparse < ../arch/sparc/config.in >> kconfig.tk                               
-: 97: unknown command                                                          
gmake[1]: *** [kconfig.tk] Error 1                                              

OK, Big deal. I'll use menuconfig.
That seems to work...

making dep...

::curses his SS20 for being so SLOW!::
I need better than a 50MHz processor in this damn thing. :) Better yet, I
need a better machine! :) Got any donations? Just kidding.

...Ok...Making boot...

Damn. A good 2 hours later and it looks as though the compile exited
cleanly :) yaaay! 

The answer to your question is yes, the fix Linus put in today fixed the
problem :)

Talk to you later,

 Kelsey Hudson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Software Engineer
 Compendium Technologies, Inc                               (619) 725-0771

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