I had the same thought.

have you considered doing this as a front-end for bitkeeper?
something along the lines of it will accept bitkeeper changesets, or if it
receives a patch as you describe (and it applies cleanly) it creates a
bitkeeper changeset for it.

 I guess this should wait until Larry makes a comment.

David Lang

>    Isn't this "new" patch maintenance system much like bitkeeper?
> Heh.  I'm surprised Larry hasn't jumped into this discussion by now.  
> What we've implemented is a very small subset of the sort of features
> that bitkeeper has.  The problem with bitkeeper is that it's **so**
> different from CVS that it takes time to learn --- I spent a day getting
> my head wrapped around it, and I still wouldn't call myself an expert;
> that's what's necessary to really get a good feel for how it works and
> why it's so nice.  The problem, though, is that bitkeeper is only useful
> if a large number of other developers use it, and given its non-OSS
> license, it's not clear it will get that critical mass.  Personally, I
> have no problem with the license.  But if there are enough other people
> who are license fanatics who do have a problem with it, then bitkeeper
> loses a lot of value for me.  If Linus were willing to dictate from high
> that we were going to use bitkeeper, and that all patches had to come in
> as bitkeeper changelogs, then that might get us critical mass.  If he
> doesn't do that, though, my big concern is whether or not it'll be able
> to garner enough critical mass for it to be worth the trouble for kernel
> developers to want to spend time learning it.
>                                               - Ted
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