"David S. Miller" wrote:

>    Date:        Sun, 10 Sep 2000 18:14:03 -0600
>    From: "Jeff V. Merkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Linus' apparently did not understand this, or he would have
>    immediately realized that double locking was always generating a
>    second non-cacheable memory reference for every lock being taken
>    and released.
> Jeff, after working together with Linus for 6 or so years myself, I
> would make a large wager that Linus understands these issues much
> better than even you.
> But then again, as previously stated, I don't take you very seriously,
> but I fear that there are a few on this list who still do.
> Later,
> David S. Miller


You shouldn't fault me because I worked on commercial software for so
long.  I did the hardware profiling of this stuff in 1993 -- long before
Linux was even doing SMP.    I spent many sleepless nights in Building F
on the Provo campus comparing 'mov   <addr>, 0' and "lock bts, <addr>' to
see what would happen.  Long before you guys had even written your first
spinlock ......


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