Lots of great info on the list thank you all!!!
after reading i think most of the software raid howto's and hardware one's 
I've Built a box with 3 drives and a hot spare..

p iii 500 256meg ram aus mother board (i think via chip set)
two promise ata66 cards and 5 30 gig maxtor drives in promise ata66 hot 
swap drive bays.

windows nt... just kidding... linux2.4.0-test9 and it's working great... 
worked in test8 test6 was not good....
I have not had to rebuild the array from scratch since moving to test8 (the 
hotremove did not work)

if i compile the promise drivers then when i power off a drive for testing 
a failure the system freezes(i might not have done the sysrq correctly) i 
have to power off the system....

if i don't compile the promise drivers i can enable DMA (and am very happy 
very FAST).

there does not seem to be a command to reset the IDE buss(this is mentioned 
in the raid howto's) can i compile the IDE drivers as a module and 
remove/install then while the system is running on the raid(i think not)... 
I'm booting from a 20 meg none raid drive (to be raid 1 in final production)

i can replace the drive but it must be with the same type of drive... but 
the system's not really happy about the drive change and complains if the 
drive was partioned ..

ide software raid seems soo close to ready for production...

I have turned the system OFF several times and just turned off one drive... 
then the system while it's rebuilding the array... even booted with a 
failed drive...

I tried some of this stuff with 2.2.16 redhat.... it was ugly..  as in 
complete reinstall and the system could not boot  if a drive was failed (i 
accepect that this could be me)

Thank you for your time... and a GREAT OS....

Mitchell Hicks

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