Graham Leggett wrote:

> > > all attempts to access the scanner, including running the xsane program,
> > > or even probing for attached scanners with "scanimage -L" cause the box
> > > to run extremely slowly. CTL-C the program accessing the scanner and the
> > > system responsiveness returns to normal.
> > 
> > What scsi controller card are you using, and is the kernel/box SMP ?
> Oct  3 09:47:59 watchman kernel: sym53c416.c: Version 1.0.0

The sg driver used in RH 7.0 [sg version 2.1.38] breaks the
sym53c416 driver. Please try sg 2.1.39 (as found in lk 2.2.17)
which can be found at:
and tell me if that fixes it.

BTW Read the note at the end of that page. Redhat have backported
the RT signal patch which changes the number of parameters to
the kill_fasync() call made by sg. It is safe to add a 3rd
argument of POLL_IN to that call otherwise the compile breaks .

Doug Gilbert
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