On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Keith Owens wrote:

> Yes.  I am usually up to date on pre patches within a few hours of
> their release, but then I have to play catch up to get my own patches
> up to date.  What I would like is the ability to see what is in the
> kernel CVS tree before the pre patch is sent out so I can get
> modutils/ksymoops/kdb patches ready ahead of the kernel patch release.

You're out of luck - Linus doesn't use CVS (at least for the kernel).
Perhaps we can convince Alan to do it for 2.2.x and set a precedent..

The closest we can get otherwise is to get HPA to hook CVS into
kernel.org's release system so that prepatches get added to public CVS
mirrors (cvs.xx.kernel.org?) more or less instantly. Hopefully a tighter
feedback loop (and more uptodate patch) from that might eventually
convince Linus to make live CVS available.

It'd also be nice if we formally adopted a four-digit versioning scheme.
The current <a>.<b>.<c>-pre<d> thing kinda sucks because (a b c) >
(a b c d).

 "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.." 

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