Would someone please look at this and see what might be going wrong?
Please tell me if additional information is needed.


Miles Lane wrote:
> ksymoops 0.7c on i686 2.4.0-test10.  Options used
>      -V (default)
>      -k /proc/ksyms (default)
>      -l /proc/modules (default)
>      -o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test10/ (default)
>      -m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)
> agate login: Unable to handle null pointer dereference at virtual
> address 00000050
> c0115f38
> *pde = 00000000
> Oops: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<c0115f38>]
> Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
> EFLAGS: 00210087
> eax: c21d0718   ebx: 00000000   ecx: 00000050   edx: 00000023
> esi: 00000000   edi: 00000000   ebp: c11b5ed0   esp: c11b5eac
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
> Process kswapd (pid: 3, stackpage=c11b5000)
> Stack: 00000000 c2ce3d40 00000000 c2ce3d40 00000000 c41f1edc 00200246
> 00000001
>        00000023 00000000 c58af397 c58598a2 c2ce3d40 c21d0728 c2e7eda0
> c2e7edbc
>        00000001 c4595000 00000000 c58599bd c2e7eda0 c2ce3d48 c2cbece0
> 04000001
> Call Trace: [<c58af397>] [<c58598a2>] [<c58599bd>] [<fcc20000>]
> [<c010b60d>] [<c010b777>] [<c010a        [<c0129474>] [<c0129ec0>]
> [<c01cf8d1>] [<c0129f97>] [<c0105000>] [<c0108aff>]
> Code: 8b 11 89 d0 24 df 85 45 fc 0f 84 79 00 00 00 83 7d f8 00 74
> >>EIP; c0115f38 <__wake_up+88/144>   <=====
> Trace; c58af397 <__module_description+50d7/????>
> Trace; c58598a2 <[sound]midi_synth_start_note+ca/d4>
> Trace; c58599bd <[sound]midi_synth_load_patch+5/1b0>
> Trace; fcc20000 <END_OF_CODE+37375d40/????>
> Trace; c010b60d <handle_IRQ_event+31/5c>
> Trace; c010b777 <do_IRQ+6b/ac>
> Code;  c0115f38 <__wake_up+88/144>
> 00000000 <_EIP>:
> Code;  c0115f38 <__wake_up+88/144>   <=====
>    0:   8b 11                     mov    (%ecx),%edx   <=====
> Code;  c0115f3a <__wake_up+8a/144>
>    2:   89 d0                     mov    %edx,%eax
> Code;  c0115f3c <__wake_up+8c/144>
>    4:   24 df                     and    $0xdf,%al
> Code;  c0115f3e <__wake_up+8e/144>
>    6:   85 45 fc                  test   %eax,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
> Code;  c0115f41 <__wake_up+91/144>
>    9:   0f 84 79 00 00 00         je     88 <_EIP+0x88> c0115fc0
> <__wake_up+110/144>
> Code;  c0115f47 <__wake_up+97/144>
>    f:   83 7d f8 00               cmpl   $0x0,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
> Code;  c0115f4b <__wake_up+9b/144>
>   13:   74 00                     je     15 <_EIP+0x15> c0115f4d
> <__wake_up+9d/144>
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