On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Andre Hedrick wrote:

> Yes but there is a way to do this directly now, the question is can the
> user-space apps change to go both ways.

Hi Andre,

Is there any tool / test code that you know of to 'do this directly' -
I'm wanting to try to avoid ade-scsi translation, and show the drive's
still working okay for blanking.  One less variable in the soup to
worry about then.

Aside: Browsing through the cdrecord 10a4 source does flag a specific
note in the mmc driver about ATIP not being supported on the 7100, but
seems to suggest that a failure to read the ATIP data's non-fatal...


Mark Cooke                  The views expressed above are mine and are not
Systems Programmer          necessarily representative of university policy
University Of Birmingham    URL: http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/~mpc/

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