On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Vojtech Pavlik wrote:

> > Now we can profile drives to super-charge the elevator!!
> I doubt this will ever happen. We'll see IDE drives reorder the
> requests inside their caches sooner. The elevator will always be more
> important to get right in terms of fairness to processes than bare
> throughput.

You do not understand the nature of what the test can generate.
We can decode the sweep pattern now.

Instead of 0->End of drive.

PlatterOD->PlatterID top
PlatterOD->PlatterID bottom.

This will get us zone-profiles an determine where the sweet spots are on
a given disk are and make a record.  We whould reload the profile of the
drive at INIT.

Will explain more later, I have my two-year old in my lap asleep.


Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy

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