On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Kurt Garloff wrote:

>> In other words, erase the word "Red Hat" from my question, and
>> restate it "what version of nfs-utils is needed by 2.4.0test9"?
>> Then I can compare with what I have regardless of dist.
>Look into linux/Documentation/Changes.
>Oh, it fails to tell about the NFS stuff.

Precisely.  ;o)

>Basically, for using the NFS client, you need nothing. Just mount the

2.4.0test9 NFS client to 2.2.0 stock NFS server (knfsd).

>For a NFS server, you need either userspace NFS server (aka unfsd), or the
>user space for the kernelspace one (aka knfsd). For both, you also need the
>RPC broker portmap running.

My NFS server runs fine - well as fine as stock 2.2.16 NFS
gets..  I can connect from 2.2.x client, but 2.4.0test9 will not

I will play some more with it tomorrow, and if I still can't get
it working, I'll write back with more details (logs).


Yep, I'll check that out too.  Thanks for the tips.  Take care,

      Mike A. Harris  -  Linux advocate  -  Open source advocate
              Computer Consultant - Capslock Consulting
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