
A legal perspective.

It is a Felony Federal) in the United States to divert or re-route
emails on the internet, 
esspecially across interstate lines.  It's also a Felony (Federal) to
misuse and email
address to disrupt interstate or international commerce.

I would suggest calling the FBI office in your area and file a formal
complaint.  You can be
assured they will put anyone doing this in jail (and walk in and seize
all their computer 


Matti Aarnio wrote:
> We ([EMAIL PROTECTED] -> me & DaveM) got just reports that
> somebody is diverting incoming email to some sort of auto-responding
> ticket system.
> The thing does not carry original message "Received:" headers in replies,
> and is reporting invalid URL.
> Independent of that, people with supposedly working addresses
> are sometimes bouncing:
>   1) because their backup MXes don't like the domain they have
>      (configuration problem somewhere, you can choose in between
>       the DNS data writer, and the backup MX admin)
>   2) that ISP's system is for some reason loosing track of
>      part of their user database.
>      Couple days ago SGI.COM had apparently lost its external
>      system primary alias file for a few hours...  I have seen
>      similar blunders here and there,  had blunder
>      that some months ago too.  --  things vary, but usually
>      we refrain from deleting recipients if "a bit too many"
>      are bouncing from some big site...
>   3) some ISP systems yield 500 series errors with text:
>         "system is temporarily busy"
>      or something of that effect.  Now THAT is really offensive
>      stupidity by the ISP software folks...
> For the subset  1  above, I am preparing to begin to run regularly
> (weekly very least, daily possibly) scanner which tries interactive
> testing of recipients address at all of user's domain's MX servers,
> and if any of the MX systems for user's domain gives a bad
> response for subscriber's address, that user gets the log report
> and some pointers on what to do.
> -
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