On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Alex Buell wrote:

>112.437 ms  129.723 ms
>12  bar2-loopback.Atlantaald.cw.net (  114.681 ms
>119.636 ms  118.449 ms
>13  interlan-technologies.Atlantaald.cw.net (  116.647
>ms  115.374 ms  113.748 ms
>14  crs8-gw.cary.ilan.net (  110.314 ms  112.902 ms
>111.051 ms
>15  * * *
>Feel free to send complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and get his account
>yanked for abuse of mailing lists. 

While I disagree with the poster's idiotic posting, and harsh
comments, this is free speech, and he has every right to speak
freely.  A shame he hides from us, but to be removed from a list
for such a troll is totalitarian IMHO.  

      Mike A. Harris  -  Linux advocate  -  Open source advocate
              Computer Consultant - Capslock Consulting
                 Copyright 2000 all rights reserved

#[Mike A. Harris bash tip #1 - separate history files per virtual console]
# Put the following at the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile
[ ! -d ~/.bash_histdir ] && mkdir ~/.bash_histdir
tty |grep "^/dev/tty[0-9]" >& /dev/null && \
        export HISTFILE=~/.bash_histdir/.$(tty | sed -e 's/.*\///')

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