David Schwartz wrote:
> > I'm trying to write a server that handles 10000 clients.  On 2.4.x,
> > the RT signal queue stuff looks like the way to achieve that.
> > Unfortunately, when the RT signal queue overflows, the consensus seems
> > to be that you fall back to a big poll().   And even though the RT signal
> > queue [almost] never overflows, it certainly can, and servers have to be
> > able to handle it.
>         Don't let that bother you. In the case where you get a hit a significant
> fraction of the descriptors you are polling on, poll is very efficient. The
> inefficiency comes when you have to wade through 10,000 uninteresting file
> descriptors to find the one interesting one. If the poll set is rich in
> ready descriptors, there is little advantage to signal queues over poll
> itself.
>         In fact, if you assume the percentage of ready file descriptors (as opposed
> to the number of file descriptors) is constant, then poll is just as
> scalable (theoretically) as any other method. Under both schemes, with twice
> as many file descriptors you have to do twice as much work.

Yep, I've made similar arguments myself.  It's just that seeing
poll() take 14 milliseconds to return on a 650 MHz system is a little daunting.
I'll report again when I have results for RT signal stuff
and different percentages of idle sockets (probably 0, 1, and 10).

- Dan
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