Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Basically, the main loop would boil down to
>         for (;;) {
>                 static struct event ev_list[MAXEV];
>                 get_event(ev_list, MAXEV, &tmout);
>                 .. timeout handling here ..
>         }
> because get_even() would end up doing all the user-mode calls too (so
> "get_event()" is no longer a system call: it's a system call + a for-loop
> to call all the ID handler functions that were associated with the events
> that triggered).
> So the "struct event" would just be:
>         struct event {
>                 int fd;
>                 unsigned long mask;
>                 void *opaque;
>                 void (*event_fn)(ind fd, unsigned long mask, void *opaque);
>         }
> and there's no need for separate event queues, because the separate event
> queues have been completely subsumed by the fact that every single event
> has a separate event function.

OK, guess I buy the one-queue-to-bind-them-all argument.

Might be good to pick more unique names than 'struct event' and 'get_event'.
People probably use those already.

Hiding ev_list is probably ok.  However,
suggests that knowing how many events are pending is a useful measure 
of server load, and that if more than a certain number of events
are pending, web servers should reject new connections.  Thus it might
be handy to make the return value of get_event be the number of events
> So now you'd start everything off (assuming the same kind of "listen to
> everything and react to it" server as in my previous example) by just
> setting
>         bind_event(sock, POLLIN, NULL, accept_fn);

A couple questions:

* how do you unbind?  (By calling bind_event with NULL as the accept_fn?)

* how do you change a mask?  (By calling bind_event with a new mask?)

* Is it ok to do these things while in an event_fn?  (Yes?)

* Do you get an event whenever an fd is ready for something, or
  only when its readiness changes?  (Presumably whenever an fd is ready for something?)

> (This is also the ideal event programming interface - signals get racy and
> hard to handle, while in the above example you can trivially just be
> single-threaded. Which doesn't mean that you CANNOT be multi-threaded if
> you want to: you multi-thread things by just having multiple threads that
> all call "get_event()" on their own).

I for one will be glad to not have to think of the races
caused by the delay between signal queueing and signal pickup.

- Dan
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