
> Running with 2.2.17
> VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.4.0 initialized
> We have some problem with the quota with only SOME users.
> Is there any new version of quota which fix this kind of
> bug ?
> #cat /etc/fstab | grep home
> /dev/rd/c0d0p7  /home  ext2    defaults,usrquota        1 2
> #/usr/sbin/repquota -a | grep cyberpc
> cyberpc   --       8  240000  240000            242     0     0   
> #du -s /home/cyberpc
> 13676   /home/cyberpc
> #ls -l /home/cyberpc
> [...]
> -rw-------    1 cyberpc  users      185465 oct 19 12:35 Mailbox
> [...]
 Could you turn quota off and run 'quotacheck' to check quotas?
That should fix number of used blocks... Then could you still
see that number of blocks quota reports doesn't match with 'du'
after some time? Do you have any way how to make quotas count
bad? Are you running NFS on /home?
  I'm just asking to get idea what might be going on as I don't have
other reports as yours...


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