
Sorry for my stupid question, but I haven't got idea what the problem can be,
and maybe you can help me. See the following fragment of C code:

if (videobuffer==(void*)-1) {

This will return with Invalid argument.
The nice this is that this code runs happyly with 2.4.x-pre kernels but not
with my 2.2.17 or 2.2.18pre15.

Maybe because of not page aligned size, so I modify my code:
I defined MAX_VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE to 4096 for testing (on PC page size is
4096 bytes, and getpagesize() returns with this as well, I checked).

The result is the same ! I don't understand what the problem can be ...

I tried with opening /dev/zero with O_RDWR mode than mapping that, but that
gave me the same result ;-(

I'm totally confused.
Can someone help, please ?

- Gabor

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