On Wed Oct 25, 2000 at 08:16:07PM +0200, Andries Brouwer wrote:
> Your web page misses the loop device info.
> Another point of difference is the name of the root device.
> /proc/mounts has /dev/root, while /etc/mtab usually has
> whatever was listed for / in /etc/fstab.
> For some applications it is important to get the name of the
> root device right. (I wrote a mount_guess_rootdev.c found in
> the latest util-linux (2.10p), but not yet used because the
> information in /etc/fstab is normally better.)

I did a similar find_real_root_device_name() in busybox some time back.  
Basically, do a stat("/", &rootstat) then walk /dev stat'ing each file
and if (statbuf.st_rdev == rootstat.st_rdev) then you have a match.
Works fine.

> But before doing more extensive things, we might wait a bit and see
> what happens with 2.4. The new mount stuff allows people to build
> immensely complicated mount structures. No doubt this has security
> implications, and probably security conscious stuff will have to be
> partially rewritten. I could imagine that we'll discover the need
> for new system calls, maybe mtable(), or mstat() to find out about
> the mount status of a file or directory. No design exists as yet.

I wrote a /dev/mounts device driver some time ago.


Erik B. Andersen   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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