Arnd Bergmann <> writes:

> arnd@wuerfel:/tmp$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Wall -O2 -mcpu=cortex-a15 idiv.c 
> -c -o idiv-arm.o
> arnd@wuerfel:/tmp$ objdump -dr idiv-arm.o   
> idiv-arm.o:     file format elf32-littlearm
> Disassembly of section .text:
> 00000000 <udiv>:
>    0:   fbb0 f0f1       udiv    r0, r0, r1
>    4:   4770            bx      lr
>    6:   bf00            nop
> 00000008 <sdiv>:
>    8:   fb90 f0f1       sdiv    r0, r0, r1
>    c:   4770            bx      lr
>    e:   bf00            nop

Your compiler seems to default to thumb so you should add -marm.

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