On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

> See section 7 of the GPL.

"If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations
under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a
consequence you may not distribute the Program at all."

But I can, so I may. See the rest of the GPL, along with my response to
the original mail.

> In this case, Debian (or any organization who isn't big enough not to fear
> M-systems) may not ship the standard kernel because it has additional patent
> restrictions.

Fine. Then get Debian to stop shipping the Linux kernel because the NFTL
and sendfile() code (and maybe others) are covered by patents, and I may
consider taking this seriously.

> There is a clear ability here for the author of the driver and m-systems to
> conspire to retroactively revoke anyones privilege to use, modify, or
> distribute the stock kernel because of this code.

I'll assume for the moment that I'm liable to suffer some form of brain
hæmorrhage and go along with this dastardly plan - so enlighten me. How
would I conspire with M-Systems to do so?


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