
> > Seriously, though, please please pretty please do not allow a facility
> > for "going through a simple interface to get accesses to irqs and
> > memory regions" into the mainline kernel, with or without toy ISA
> > examples.
> I do agree.
> I'm not violently opposed to something like this in practice (we've 
> already allowed it for USB devices), but there definitely needs to be a 
> real reason that helps _us_, not just some ass-hat vendor that looks for a 
> way to avoid open-sourcing their driver.
> If there are real and valid uses (and as mentioned, I actually think that 
> the whole graphics-3D-engine-thing is such a use) where a kernel driver 
> simply doesn't work out well, or where there are serious tecnical reasons 
> why it wants to be in user space (and "stability" is not one such thing: 
> if you access hardware directly in user space, and your driver is buggy, 
> the machine is equally deal, and a hell of a lot harder to control to 
> boot).

Well.. it is easier to debug in userspace. While bad hw access can
still kill the box, bad free() will not, and most bugs in early
developent are actually of 2nd kind.
Thanks for all the (sleeping) penguins.
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