On 18/12/06, Hannu Savolainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marek Wawrzyczny wrote:
> Dear Linux Kernel ML,
> I am writing as a Linux-only user of over 2 years to express my concern with
> the recent proposal to block out closed source modules from the kernel.
> While, I understand and share your sentiments over open source software and
> drivers. I fear however, that trying to steamroll the industry into
> developing open source drivers by banning closed source drivers is going to
> have a completely different result. They will simply abandon Linux support
> for some of their products altogether.
As a developer of some "closed source" drivers I can confirm that this
is exactly the case. I would never consider open sourcing my work just
because somebody is pointing pistol to my neck. I would leave the whole
IT business and start doing something else rather than accept this kind
of mafia-like negotiation methods.

Why is this dead horse still kicking?
Linus already spoke on this issue (
http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/12/13/370 ,
http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/12/14/218 ) and Greg KH already withdrew his
patch ( http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/12/14/63 ), so could we please just
let this dead horse rest in peace?

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