On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> But when we are changing makefiles everywhere - why not do the proper think
> and let the new-style makefiles share their code?
> (I have a patch ready - it just needs some forward-porting and testing)

I hate your patch.

I'd rather see "Rules.make" just base itself entirely off the new-style
Makefiles, and have it use "$(obj-y)" instead of O_OBJS etc.

Then, _old_style Makefiles could be fixed up by doing a

        include Compat.make

or preferably by just fixing them. I don't want to have another
Rules.make. I want to fix the old users.

(Compat.make would then look like

        obj-y = $(OX_OBJS) $(O_OBJS)
        export-objs = $(OX_OBJS)

and make _old_ Makefiles look like new ones as far as Rules.make is


This is the same as with source code. I do NOT want to have backwards
compatibility in source code - if compatibility is needed, I'd much rather
have it be _forwards_ compatibility, where the old setup is made to look
like the new with wrapper functions etc.


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