On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:47:59 -0800 (PST), 
Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Keith Owens wrote:
>We should have some REALLY simple and to-the-point rules. Namely:
> - object files get linked in the order specified
>No ifs, buts, "except when the user doesn't care", or anything like that.
>No extra new logic with fancy new names for FIRST and LAST objects. No,
>that's the wrong thing.

It is the right thing because it self documents which objects really
need a link order and why.  The existing mechanism has demonstrably
failed to do this, resulting in fragile and error prone makefiles.

>The two things are entirely orthogonal, as far as I can see. Except
>historically we've mixed them up (OX_OBJS + O_OBJS is the link-list,
>O_OBJS is the symtab information). And this mixup is what the problems
>come from.

True, which is one of the reasons that kbuild 2.5 will remove OX_OBJS,
MX_OBJS and MIX_OBJS.  But that change affects all Makefiles, we are
supposed to be in a code freeze.  My patch fixes usb and only affects
usb, not the entire kernel.

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