Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > That said, I think they are still pushing the "you don't have any
> > rights unless we give you additional rights explicitly" angle a bit
> > too hard.
> From section 2 (GPLv3, draft 2):
>  This License acknowledges your rights of "fair use" or other
>  equivalent, as provided by copyright law. 
> By choosing 'acknowledges' as the verb, the licensee says explicitly
> that fair-use rights are already yours, not that they are being given
> to you.

Pure noise, a license can't take them away in any case.

[That is my pet pevee with GPL: It has a bit of legally binding text, and
 lots of "explanation" and "philosophy" that don't add anything but
 confusion. A clear-cut license plus an explanation/comment would have been
 better. IMHO, IANAL. HAND.]
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