I'm trying to make some nommu-friendly busybox-like tools, which means using 
vfork() instead of fork().  This means that after I fork I have to exec in 
the child to unblock the parent, and if I want to exec my current executable 
I have to find out where it lives so I can feed the path to exec().  This is 

Worse, it's not always possible.  If chroot() has happened since the program 
started, there may not _be_ a path to my current executable available from 
this process's current or root directories.

What would be really nice is if I could feed a NULL path to exec on NOMMU 
systems, and have that mean "re-exec the current executable".  I can't think 
of a way to do this without kernel support.  Any opinions on whether this is 

A nommu-friendly daemonize() is another use for this, by the way...

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