> On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 15:01:56 PST, David Schwartz said:

> > There is simply no way you can argue that McDonald's failed to
> > warn people
> > about the risks. The cup says "hot" on it,

> Actually, the "HOT" on the cup and the sticker in the drive-through that
> says "Warning: Coffee is served very hot" were added after that lawsuit.

Yes. And pretty much everyone agrees that these warnings serve no purpose.
Everyone knows that hot coffee is served hot.

What people probably don't know is that if you spill hot coffee on yourself
and remain in contact with the coffee for more than about 45 seconds, a
third-degree burn can result.  This warning doesn't convey that information.

I find it almost impossible to believe that anyone is going to alter their
behavior in any significant way as a result of that warning.


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