--- Christoph Hellwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 12:46:50AM -0800, Amit Choudhary wrote:
> > Well, I am not proposing this as a debugging aid. The idea is about correct 
> > programming,
> atleast
> > from my view. Ideally, if you kfree(x), then you should set x to NULL. So, 
> > either programmers
> do
> > it themselves or a ready made macro do it for them.
> No, you should not.  I suspect that's the basic point you're missing.

Any strong reason why not? x has some value that does not make sense and can 
create only problems.
And as I explained, it can result in longer code too. So, why keep this value 
around. Why not
re-initialize it to NULL.

If x should not be re-initialized to NULL, then by the same logic, we should 
not even initialize
local variables. And all of us know that local variables should be initialized.

I would like to know a good reason as to why x should not be set to NULL.


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