Mo McKinlay wrote:
> 00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology: Unknown device 1998
> 00:0d.1 Communication controller: ESS Technology: Unknown device 1999
> Any hints/clues/etc welcome.

Welcome to the "wonderful" world of the Maestro 3i.  You'll find
the following URL to be of interest...

Executive summary: a free driver is in its infancy, and you're
more than welcome to join the debugging effort.  If you *must*
have sound capability, go to and get the
OSS driver: that will run you $15 for the base driver, and
another $15 for the ESS Maestro add-on.  It works well on my Dell
Latitude CPx.  You can try before you buy, and the 2.4.X kernel
support is pretty good: new driver versions lag the release of a
2.4.0-testX kernel by less than a week in most cases.

Good luck!

Bob Tracy                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "We might not be in hell, but we can see the gates from here."
 --Phoenix resident, Summer of 2000
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