On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 00:09 +0100, Francois Romieu wrote:
> Anders Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> [...]
> > PCI ID's in there, so this driver *should* work. In the past, it *has*
> > worked, but that was on a older kernel (2.6.8 or thereabouts).
> No datapoint beyond 2.6.12 ? It would make thinks easier (for you :o} ).

Unfortunately the adapter has been sitting idle in an antistat bag for
some time, and last time I used it was with a Debian Sarge install. I
can try some older Ubuntu LiveCD's (will take some time to download
though) and try and get a point in time where it works.

> > If there are patches or tweaks to the driver, I am willing and able to
> > test them.
> Compressed patch attached. Apply with patch -R and see if it behaves
> differently. No warranty.

Many thanks for the patch. Applied to 2.6.20-rc4, built as K7-SMP, but
unfortunately it behaves no different compared to stock 2.6.20-rc4. If
you have any other ideas, I am game for some testing. Meanwhile, I'll
grab some LiveCD's to get data-points.


Anders Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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