On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:58:24PM -0600, Elizabeth Morris-Baker wrote:
>       Basically the problem is in scan_scsis_single.
>       Some scsi devices are notoriously brain dead
>       about answering inquiries without having 
>       recived a TUR and then spinning up.
>       The problem seems to be the disk, not the controller,
>       if this is the same problem.
>       The problem appeared in the test kernels because
>       the TUR *used* to be there, now it is not.

Strictly speaking, shouldn't we send a START_STOP, not a TUR to get the
disks (or other devices) to spin up?


Matthew Dharm                              Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Maintainer, Linux USB Mass Storage Driver

S:  Another stupid question?
G:  There's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people.
                                        -- Stef and Greg
User Friendly, 7/15/1998

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