On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 11:22 +0200, Condor wrote:
> Hello,
> [1.] Files if > 100 MB saving in USB memory stick 4 GB with FAT32. While
> saving all files is broken.
im sorry, i do not understand this.

you are saying that if you copy files larger than 100mb into drive, all
files die?

> [2.] I have USB memory stick A-DATA 4 GB with FAT32. When i trying to save
> files in my USB and files is > of 100 MB, all files that i save is broken.
> I put my USB in my laptop and mount it as: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb-win
> While i mount it, i got in my local disk and copy one file that is 520 MB.
> The file is copying very slow (10 min). and after i see again my console i
> wait light to my usb is off and i unmount it as: umount /mnt/usb-win
> I get my USB stick and when i return to home i trying to copy file from my
> USB to my windows and linux. Both OS unable to read file.
> After some tryings i format my USB in FAT16 and now every thing is work
> fine. I copy files to my USB and back to my hard drive and all files work
> fine.

okay, i think thats what you are saying, could you please try to run
dosfsck on it so we can see 100% whats wrong?

also, try to do this:
mount, copy, run command 'sync', unmount, pull out, and see if it works.

finally, one more question. you said it does not work when you take it
home, can you try this: mount, copy, unmount, mount, check to see if
file works.

> [3.] lsmod
> # lsmod
> nvidia               4709172  22
ohh, tainted ;P naughty. Though i dont think this affects vfat.

> Regards,
> Condor
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